This job generally requires the ability to do the following types of work:
Keen vision: Good color vision is particularly important because laborers must often differentiate between wires, tools, material shades, and other equipment based on their color.
Manual dexterity and physical fitness: Make no mistake, this is a hands-on job. You'll be operating equipment, Some tools can be very small, so fine motor skills can be equally as important.
Physical stamina: Strength and agility are important, but you must also be able to maintain this level of activity for through out the day.
Math skills: Calculations are a common aspect of this job.
Clear out debris from structures under construction or being torn down.
Unload, load, and carry materials to appropriate locations on the job site.
Position and secure materials within structures.
Operate heavy and light equipment.
Salary based on skill level starting at $15.00 hr.+
Training provided and evaluation every 6 months to track progress.
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Employment History